
Four Things To Consider To Change Your Financial Reality

Four Things To Consider To Change Your Financial Reality

Ever noticed that when you have money problems, your relationships suffer and when your relationships are in turmoil, you tend to have money problems? It’s a pattern I see a lot in my clients, and I often joke with them when they come to me with money challenges… the...

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10 Things To Override Uncertainty And Use It To Your Advantage

10 Things To Override Uncertainty And Use It To Your Advantage

Have you noticed how much uncertainty is present in the planet recently? Maybe you have personally experienced some form of uncertainty and the feeling that things are just risky now. Will we run out of toilet paper? Do we have enough supplies to last us in the case...

Are You Creating Your future Or Just Performing Damage Limitation?

Are You Creating Your future Or Just Performing Damage Limitation?

Have you ever had the experience of being hit by an unexpected bill that you hadn’t budgeted for, and then having that “oh s*#!t” moment? Or you have a project or assignment due and you had every intention that this time, you’d get it done in plenty of time...  … and...


Changing the Energy of Debt to Increase Business Success

The energy of debt can be really heavy and can really affect your business success. It can be a bit of a catch 22 for most people, as part of the reason they are in business may be to clear some of their debts. So, how can you shift the energy to start generating more...

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The Secret to Making Meditation Easy

  What is the secret to making meditation easy and building up a daily practice?     Imagine knowing the secret to being zen, creating calmness and stillness in your life and making meditation easy, so that it becomes a daily, joyful practice.   A daily meditation...

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How to Clear Negative Emotions to Heal Yourself

[share align="center"] By clearing negative emotions, you can heal yourself of many diseases and disorders of the mind and body. Your feelings and emotions can have a serious impact on your health. The way that you are feeling, whether it is about yourself, your body...

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How Self-Investment Can Transform Your Life

[share align="center"]   Self-investment is key in transforming your life from mediocre to amazing!   It is imperative for manifesting your dreams and if you are looking for success in ANY area of your life.  That could include your career, if you want to improve your...

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