Create With Your
Unique Energy
Go beyond your mindset, connect with your intuition and create beyond your problems
What is the dream your younger self had for you and your life?
Most people have a vision they held for what their future would be like when they grow up.
What was that for you?
If that dream, desire or vision has been placed in your heart and you’re still connected to it, it’s because you are more than capable of HAVING it.
Here’s what I KNOW:
When you actualise YOUR heart’s desires, you activate your unique capacity to transform the world by creating a ripple effect that stems from within you and spreads to the people around you.
Your desires were planted in your heart for a reason.
They matter.
YOU matter.
What YOU want matters.

Your desires are the breadcrumb trails that lead you on your Soul’s path.
It’s the way your Soul whispers to you and leads you to exactly where you need to be so you can live a deeply fulfilling life and experiences the sweet nourishment of joy on your journey.
Most people I work with have been conditioned into living a life based on other’s expectations.
Either because they’re busy trying to maintain the honour and respect of their family and society.
Or they are seeking validation and recognition from others, so they have pretzled themselves into people-pleasing machines and learned to squash their own dreams so as not to offend others.
Here’s the thing…
They are already well-versed with the mechanics of manifesting and have practices and tools to manifest that they’re using… but still struggle to manifest their bigger vision.
Even though they’ve tried all the mindset hacks, the meditations or the more popular manifesting methods out there, the one thing they probably haven’t tried is to find their OWN unique method of manifesting.
So that they can manifest what they want.
And how they want it.
Does that sound like you?
Here’s the good news:
Within you already lies the framework of your unique manifesting style.
When you unlock that, you activate your innate capacity to transform our world through creating YOUR desires.
Because when you actualise YOUR desires, you get to create a positive impact not just in YOUR life, but in the lives of others as well.
The first step to being able to successfully manifest is to connect to your unique framework of manifesting.

Hi, I’m Ras…
I work with conscious creators who are ready to activate their unique brand of magic by understanding their energy in a deeper way and shifting their entire approach to manifesting.
Through my Creative Blueprint method, I guide you to reconnect your own Soul’s wisdom.
I help you to remember your Soul’s path and purpose and use that to create your unique brand of magic and manifesting style.

That’s how you get to express yourself authentically and be embodied in the energy of your desires.
It’s how you get to move from VISUALISING or setting intentions to LIVING the experience of your desires.
When you have that handled, your natural state of BEING is rooted in creating an overflow of abundance, joy, love and in making an impact on others’ lives that leaves a legacy in the world… YOUR legacy.
The 3 Pillars of Embodied & Empowered Manifestation That I Guide My Clients Through

Focus on understanding your energy and connecting the mind with your body to deepen your intuition and trust in your own Soul’s wisdom

Soul’s Purpose
Focus on using your intuition to connect to your Soul’s path and purpose to set up a strong foundation upon which to build

Manifesting Style
Bringing your intuition and purpose together to develop your manifesting style and create your own framework of manifestation
Discover Your Unique Manifesting Process
Ready to connect more deeply with your own unique gifts and abilities to enhance your ability to create with more ease, joy and flow?
Ready to receive on-going support to discover your own manifesting method AND connect with a community of conscious creators while you do it?
Listen To the
Listen in as I share how you can tap into your inner guidance to courageously manifest IN and ON purpose
Work With Me
Prefer deeper, more intensive and individually-tailored support and guidance to create your unique method of manifesting that actually works for you?
Have you discovered the way YOU uniquely create yet?
The truth is…
You were born already equipped with the confidence, the innovation, the wisdom and the worthiness to have any desire that you place in your heart.
Most people have just been trained out of trusting themselves and their own intuition.
So they busy themselves following other people’s frameworks for manifesting.
OR they keep distracted by doing the healing work, trying to eliminate the scarcity or lack mindset or working on their worthiness, confidence or self-belief.
But what if there was another possibility?
What if you can be a hot mess and still manifest everything you say you desire, WHILE you work on your inner stuff as opposed to AFTER you’ve “fixed” your inner mess?
A lot of what is taught in the mainstream about manifesting is outdated and doesn’t always take into consideration that each of us is energetically wired to manifest in a unique way.
When you honour it all…
Your lived experience…
… Your unique energetic circuitry…
… the way your intuition speaks to YOU…
… and your truest heart’s desires…
That’s when the lasting transformation can really begin.

That’s how you REALLY raise your hand and say YES to ACTUALISING your desires and activate your unique ability to manifest in a way that is natural and flows for you.