One-to-One Support with Raspreet
The World Needs YOUR Unique Brilliance!
Your desires are sparked for a reason.
The idea of creating change in your life is usually sparked by a desire to expand your life and living.
With each successful actualisation of YOUR desires, you are contributing to the planet with the energy of joy, love, success and most importantly, possibility!
What’s possible for you when you honour your uniqueness?
A world where people can start honouring the way they uniquely create.
There are more people that are happy, fulfilled and standing in their own power versus relying on external factors to empower or fulfil them
When that happens, there’s more unity, powerful collaborations versus the jealousy, competition, greed, chasing after external gratification and/or validation that we see so much of in today’s world.
When you honour your desires, the way you uniquely create and your own brilliance in the way that you manifest those changes in your life, guess what you’re really doing?
You help to create a healthier environment for everyone to multiply their success and abundance and that creates the right platform to invite MORE people to step into their unique gifts.
That is why YOU, Divine Soul, are so powerful when you are actualising your desires!
But here’s the problem…
The self-development, healing and coaching industry have mostly glamourised mindset and manifestation and in the process, diluted the effectiveness of the tools that are being taught.
Most people have a good handle on the basic knowledge around manifesting that get rehashed and taught over and over again, BUT what they’re missing is a very KEY thing, which is essential for sustainable manifestation.
I don’t know about you, but I am DONE with the one-hit-wonder manifesting where you have some success with a few things, but can’t consistently keep up your manifesting mojo for all your heart’s desires!
And THAT is why I teach about creating in your own unique way.
If you’re ready to change the whole way you have been approaching consciously creating change and manifesting your desires, I would love to work with you!
Here’s how you can work on a deeper level
with individual support from me:

Create Session – £1111
Are you ready to create lasting results and be on your way to discovering how you are uniquely wired to create?
With these 3 private 45-minute sessions, you will dive deep, get clarity and start getting aligned to your unique process of creation so that you can start taking soul-aligned action that creates rapid results.
These sessions are designed to work on ONE core area that you would like to create change in.
You receive a quick, yet deeply transformational, deep dive and effective boost to you creating the life, relationships, finances, health and lifestyle that you truly desire.
You will leave knowing why what you have been doing in the past hasn’t been working, how to change that and know exactly what is required next to create YOUR ideal life and achieve your goals with ease.
Can be used for:
Developing intuitive abilities, spiritual growth and development, increasing self-confidence, self-belief, improving relationships, soulmates, finances, health and career and anything else that you would like to create in your life.
*please note – these sessions will allow you to experience the energetic clearing and facilitation and some general guidance of what is next, not the more in-depth support and facilitation of a soul-aligned action plan as with the Private Coaching.

Ignite Your Unique Brilliance (investment starts from £3300, payment plans available)
Are you ready to create deeper, lasting change in
sustainable way so you can continue to create
what you desire over and over again?
This is a deeper journey with individual support in helping you to embrace your unique way of creating change in a more embodied way.
You will learn how to embrace ALL of you so you can come back to total alignment with your deepest gifts and innate wisdom.
Together, we’ll dive deep to reconnect you with your Soul’s wisdom and desires.
We’ll explore what stands in the way of the highest expression of yourself and the deep confidence you hold within the very cells of your body.
With this embodied self-expression, belief and confidence, you’ll see how you can change anything and have everything you desire in a way that aligns with you, your desires, your values and your own manifestation rhythm.
We will work together in this space for 3 months.
During our time together, you will receive:
- One 60-minute session per month
- Recordings of sessions
- Unlimited Voxer and email access for the duration of the coaching
- Guidance on identifying and honouring your own intuition and unique gifts, so you can step into your own unique brilliance and create change with more flow and fun
- Support with how to embody the tools to integrate the energetic work
- Support with unpacking any fears, worries or attachments that block joy, ease and magic in your life
- Accountability and planning support through Google docs
- Accountability/planning support to create your personalised soul-aligned 30-day action plan to support creating your desires
I only work with a handful of clients in this way and there is an application process.
If you’d like to explore this possibility, send an email to [email protected]
OR schedule an application call by clicking the link below.
You will be credited back with your investment if you do choose to book the private sessions within 7 days of the application call.

Day of Voxer
Sometimes, you just need a short burst of laser-focused support and facilitation to get unstuck and move forward with LIVING your dreams.
I totally get it… there are times where it’s necessary to have a really deep dive over a period of time, and sometimes, you just require a little nudge in the right direction.
Some potent facilitation, answering some of those little questions that you have, which often get overlooked.
And sometimes, just the clarity from having those questions answered can totally shift things and help you get back on track to creating in the way you are truly CAPABLE of creating!
And this is exactly why I created a Day of Voxer coaching/facilitation with me!

Clarity Session – £97
Ready to create a life beyond your problems?
This 45-minute online session is designed to look at what your current challenge is and explore what is going on that is keeping you stuck.
You will gain deeper clarity and lift the confusion, so you know exactly what to do next with creating the results and having the change that you are asking for.
You’ll learn how you can be on your way to more harmony by aligning to the way you are wired to create in a way that naturally brings you more ease, joy, flow and success.
This is ideal if you’d like a powerful experience of what it’s like to receive empowering support that allows you to tap into your own intuition so that you can make a decision that is in alignment with how YOU create.
If you choose to work with me further in private sessions or on Catalyse, the investment you made for this session will be credited towards that.
If you choose not to work further with me, that’s totally cool – you’ll receive some laser coaching and facilitation either way!
Can be used for:
Developing intuitive abilities, spiritual growth and development, increasing self-confidence, self-belief, improving relationships, soulmates, finances, health and career and anything else that you would like to create in your life.
*please note – these sessions are not in-depth facilitation and energetic clearing as with the Create Sessions or Private Coaching; they are designed for quick laser coaching and supporting you to find your next steps to create beyond your challenges
Here is what I know about why most people aren’t creating the life and relationships of that they really desire:
- They try to address challenges from the outside in
- They keep chasing one thing after another and wonder why it’s not working
- They are trying to keep everyone happy and creating life goals that aren’t even truly theirs
- They try to do it all on their own, hit blind spots and resistance and then get overwhelmed, give up and reside themselves into thinking nothing can change
- They limit themselves and their true potential as they buy into the lies they have been told about themselves in the past and fail to recognise their own unique, innate gifts and abilities.
When you stop THAT insanity, and work from the inside out, you can create an entirely different relationship with yourself that actually allows all your desires to show up with ease and joy for you!
What would your life be like if you…
… expanded your confidence, trusted yourself implicitly?
… actually CREATED the lifestyle and relationships beyond your wildest dreams, without ever having to compromise again?
…had the self-confidence and self-belief never to question or diminish yourself again?
… if you could know what is true for you and know what you would love to create instead of living life to fulfil others’ dreams?
Is now the time to step up and create the life and relationships you always knew were possible for you?
If you’re unsure what will be the best fit for your challenge or you’d love some clarity on what exactly is holding you back, so you can see what is required for you to create beyond your current challenges, book in a Clarity Call on the link below.
Let’s connect and I will show you what is standing in the way and what your next steps are!
If you choose to work with me privately or on my group coaching programmes, your investment will be rolled over into that!
And if you don’t, you’ll still get the clarity of what to do next!