Master the language of energy
to manifest your deepest
desires more rapidly
Did you know that your desires have been planted in your heart for a reason?
Especially those that you are still connected to, even if they haven’t yet come into fruition despite your best efforts of trying to make them happen!
Deep down, can you FEEL the possibilities available to you?
Even if part of you thinks it just not possible… or that it’s TOO big for you.
Even if you may be frustrated because you have tried so many things and “failed” before.
Your deepest desires are what lead you on your path to liberation.
Liberation that allows you to uncover your unique brilliance.
Your desires are your guiding stars.
They lead you to your Soul’s purpose, the material abundance you desire to live your desired lifestyle AND the ability to draw in the deeper, more meaningful relationships in your life.
Welcome to Translate
I’m always in an experiment with my manifesting because one thing I know about manifesting is that your personal manifesting framework has a consciousness to it. As you grow and evolve, so does your manifesting framework.
And this means that sometimes, you need to review your framework.
Much like an experiment, where you try things out and then draw your results and conclusions and review how you would do it better next time. It’s exactly the same thing!
My most recent and radical experiment has been what we are creating on Translate moving forward.
Translate has been upgraded and I am amping up some of the benefits and features of the Translate Community – watch the short video to learn more about the new magic that is being added to this programme.
A collaborative community for those of you committed to consciously creatingyour desired future
It’s not about what you are DOING to manifest, it’s about HOW you are doing it.
Welcome to Translate, where you wave goodbye to the old methods of manifesting and learn to honour YOUR own process.
When you reclaim your power from other people’s methods and focus on your own energetics and unique gifts:
- you commit to showing up for YOURSELF and actualising your desires
- you gift yourself time and space for contemplation and integration on a DAILY basis, so the “process” is no longer outside of you and becomes a natural part of your daily routine.
What if you didn’t need pain to experience pleasure?
When you shift the focus from WHAT to do into HOW you are showing up, you create from a space of possibility, expansion and curiosity rather than pain and suffering.
Your natural motivation shifts from needing to create from a space of struggle into creating from joy and excitement.

You start to manifest by going beyond your mindset!

Each one of us has a unique blueprint… a very specific and yet unique path to manifesting in a way that works for us.
That style of manifesting gets to be expressed in EVERY walk of your life.
From your lifestyle and living to your relationships to your financial situation.
You get to express it through your state of well-being and health.
You begin to unlock your unique way of manifesting.
You get to raise your hand to say YES to YOUR desires!
Not to satisfy someone else’s needs.
Not because it’s what you’ve been told it’s what you SHOULD want or do.
But because it lights up YOUR Soul.
It brings joy in YOUR life.

When you arrive at that sweet spot, you actually become the natural invitation to others saying YES to creating their desires from the seat of possibilities, pleasure and pure potential.
In 12 months or less, you get to manifest in a more empowered and embodied way so your desires can show up for you
Your unique ability to consciously create the life that lights YOU up does not live in someone else’s framework of manifesting.
It doesn’t come from reading books, reciting scripted affirmations or in the next mindset hack that promises to change everything.
It lives within YOU.
YOUR body.
YOUR Soul’s wisdom.
YOUR desires.
Take a peek inside the Translate Membership…

If you are looking for LASTING change, it requires you to integrate the energy you are calling in.
When you go from trying to manifest your dreams to UNDERSTANDING and EMBODYING your unique brand of magic and how you are naturally wired to create, you automatically align to your own manifesting style and rhythm.
This is the deeper work you are invited to on Translate.
The REAL transformation does not come from years of mindset shifts or healing work…
All that can often be a distraction from what’s actually required.
The REAL transformation occurs when you go beyond the trending mindset hacks.
When you move away from toxic manifesting practices and toxic positivity in an attempt to “vibe high and magnetise your desires”.
It occurs when you liberate yourself from manifesting using someone else’s framework that is misaligned to how you naturally create.
The lasting transformation occurs when you stretch yourself beyond a 3-day transformational weekend or a short-term course or programme.
That’s why Translate was created as a 12-month container – to give you the time and space to create a steady foundation upon which you can continue to build.

Consider this membership your monthly gift to you, your life, living and relationships.
If you are committed to showing up for yourself so that you can actualise your heartfelt desires, I would be honoured to be your guide to facilitate you to remember your unique process of manifestion.
What’s required to shift the energy of your desires into motion, so the things you have been asking for can show up in your life?
You can recite positive affirmations religiously and use all the tools you’ve probably already learned or read about…
… but until you are genuinely feeling that energy within you, so that it’s anchored in your whole BODY and BEING and not just in your MIND… your desires are unlikely to show up for you.
To set the energy into motion, you’ve got to consistently sustain the energy and momentum that you have initiated through the inner work.
And that includes in the heat of the moment, when you’re in the midst of the latest drama that life may be throwing you… just as you thought things were starting to shift!
Can you relate to that?
Don’t worry, I have your back and that is exactly why I created Translate…
… to offer you ongoing support and a high vibe community to plug into when life throws those curve-balls and you need a little extra pick-me-up to keep you on track with managing your energy!
The problem is, nearly everyone that is consciously manifesting their life has been taught to manifest from the MIND.
What would it be like to go beyond your mind and get into YOUR flow of manifesting by creating a strong mind-body connection?
That’s where Translate comes in!
The desire you have already exists energetically in the quantum field.
The reason you are connected to your desires in the first place is because they are ALL totally possible for you AND it’s very likely part of your Soul’s path!
What if you knew HOW to take the work that you may already have done and shift it into motion to actually create results?
Translate supports you to create beyond your mind and bring your body into the process of manifesting.
When you do that, you’ll start to call in your desires from the energetic form into the physical, and THEN you can begin LIVING and EXPERIENCING your big visions.
When you’re in FLOW with YOUR manifestation process, you’ll have more joy and ease on your way to manifesting your desires!
And that means you can enjoy the actual experience of creating that desire, as well as the satisfaction and fulfilment that comes with actualising it!
If you have a dream that you’ve never experienced before, it requires a different version of you.
But, how do you create that different version of yourself?
What does it take to translate the inner work you may already have been doing (the positive thinking, affirmations, vision boards, meditations, transformational workshops, reading, etc) into practical motion that’s going to create results?
When you learn the language of energy, you get to translate the energy of your desires into motion in your daily life.

If you’ve already done the healing and affirmations and nothing seems to be working, then you’re probably missing the embodiment of the principles.
Perhaps you’ve already tried the affirmations, the workshops, read the books or attended workshops or training and are still waiting for your desires to show up.
Maybe you’ve attempted manifesting really big goals in the past… and failed.
If doing all that stuff alone actually worked, everyone would be manifesting their biggest desires, but they’re not.
Why is that?
You’ve likely never been taught how to transform your problems into possibilities, so that you can create beyond your challenges and past experiences.
You have probably identified yourself as your past results and kept yourself in that definition, which means you are not an energetic match to what you say you want.
Manifesting goes beyond the Law of Attraction and the mechanics of being positive or the daily gratitude practices that are so often highlighted in the self-development and spiritual community.
Let’s get real here…
I’m not here to sell you a generic 5-step process or a super secret strategy that will magically change things in a short space of time.
Because that is a load of rubbish!
There really isn’t a magic formula or process and there isn’t a guaranteed timeline within which things can happen.
This is steady work and is all about CONSISTENCY… it’s not just a one-time thing, it’s a way of life!
It requires time and space for things to integrate as you learn how to step into this new way of BEING on a daily basis.
Here’s what I KNOW to be true…
Every one of us has a unique energetic signature and potent process of manifestation that is SACRED.
When you allow yourself to tap into that, everything changes and you open the doors to invite literal magic into your life that you never thought was possible!
I have experienced this in my own life and I see it over and over again with my clients as they learn how to align to their own unique creation process.
If this is calling to your soul and you are READY to learn
how to have more flow and ease with manifesting what
you want, then you are invited to join Translate.
About Translate
Translate is a 12-month experience into learning the language of energy to manifest what you really want in a way that works for YOU.
In Translate, you will:
- Be in a community of like-minded people who are on the same page
- Receive monthly live trainings where you can ask questions and get specific feedback
- Learn how to make the Law of Attraction work for you
- Understand the energetics of creation/manifesting
- De-condition what’s happened in the past and what’s stopping you from creating so you stop self-sabotaging and creating the same negative patterns as before
- Discover how to re-condition your mind and body, so you are not just manifesting from your MIND, but connecting to your body and learning to change the energy you broadcast and become more magnetic to your desires
- Know how to bring your desires into the physical
- Understand that manifestation is not a one-size-fits-all and how you uniquely create
- Discover what motivates you to create your desires
Join Translate for just £67 per month or £725 for the year.
Or pay for 6 months of access for just £80 per month or £44 for 6 months.
Translate is a 12-month programme.
Check out the cool bonuses you receive as part of your membership:

Is your soul craving this level of support?
Would you love being part of a supportive community of awesome Divine Souls who are also consciously creating their dreams?
More importantly, are you committed to having what you desire, rather than just visualising or dreaming about it?
If you are raising your hand to all of this, you’re invited to come play with us on Translate!

Hi, I’m Raspreet and I’m not like most coaches. I am not here just to create surface-level transformation.
I am here to support you to embody YOUR unique way of creating change, so that you can embrace your gifts, expand your confidence and deepen your intuition.
I love supporting my clients to build daily practices that support their unique way of manifesting that actually works for them, so that they can create lasting and sustainable results and start to LIVE their dreams, instead of just dreaming about them.
My intention for you with this experience is that you learn how to overcome any past shame of failing and the cycle of trying to “fix” what you perceive to be the problem.
I am making a stand for YOU to OWN your power, overcome your fears of what others will say or how they will react to you and create BEYOND your problems and past failures.
Frequently Asked Questions
How is this different from Catalyse?
I have two core group programmes that I offer: Catalyse and Translate.
Catalyse is a more intensive programme with a smaller group, that includes additional support and accountability, bonus training and energetic work, as well as a private one-to-one session for each participant to help them understand their unique way of creating and how they uniquely perceive energy and intuitive guidance.
The investment for Catalyse is £3250 (payment plan is available).
What’s the difference between Translate and Your Private Sessions?
Private sessions are a higher investment and are on a one-to-one basis.
Translate allows you to get a taste of the work that I do in my Private work with clients AND you get to learn from other’s questions from the group.
With Translate, you also get to plug into a high vibe community of conscious creators, which you don’t get with the private work.
In Translate, you get to create connections with people that can last a lifetime, so it’s a really fun way to meet and interact with like-minded people and expand your friendship circle.
I've already done so much stuff on manifesting and law of attraction - do I need another programme? How is this any different than all the other courses and programmes out there?
Awesome if you have already done work on this, that will give you the momentum to really sink your teeth into Translate.
And if you’re a total newbie to this, that’s also perfect!
Translate is designed to meet you wherever you are in your journey.
I created Translate to teach you a whole new way of manifesting than most people are talking about.
If you are already up to speed with your own unique way of manifesting and have found a process that is working for you, then you may want to skip this.
However, if you have already tried lots of things before and maybe found that it works for a while, or hasn’t been working at all, then Translate will help you to see what adjustments you may need to make so the tools you already have can start to work for you!
How is this different from Magnetise?
Magnetise is part of Translate, so if you enrol onto Translate, you actually get automatic access to Magnetise.
Magnetise is a self-study programme, in which you can work at your own pace to get through the material.
In Translate, you get the added bonus of having access to Magnetise, PLUS you get to be a part of an active community, the monthly live calls and training and the group support.
But won’t I get lost in a big group?
I totally get your concern, and have had clients grappling with this exact thing before joining my group programmes in the past.
Some common feedback that I get from clients on my group programmes is how surprised they are at how much individual support they receive from me.
This is exactly why I have the monthly Q&A calls as part of the programme, as it allows you to voice your specific challenges or questions that you would love my support with.
As long as you are showing up and putting in the work, I get to learn about you and your desires very quickly and I am here to support you.
I have clients who have told me that my group programmes felt like I had tailored it to THEM specifically, even though they were in a group.
One of my gifts is to tune into the energy of the group and know exactly what is required for the group, in that moment.
The great thing about being in a group is learning from other’s questions, that you may not have even considered.
That’s another common piece of feedback I often receive from my group programmes participants.
What’s your refund policy? What if I sign up and I think it’s not for me?
All my courses and programmes are non-refundable.
This is a 12-month experience and I know that as long as you show up, engage fully and participate actively, you’ll see results.
If you are not ready to make a 12-month investment in yourself, then this is probably not the right thing for you.
If you’d prefer some support in getting you started in a private session, you might find that my Create Sessions are a better fit for you.
One thing you can always count on me for is to empower you, to honour your intuition and support you to make aligned decisions.
So, if you have any questions about Translate to make sure it’s the right thing for you before you enrol, you can send an email to [email protected].